December 2022
December 1, 2022
Since our last update in the Spring, we’re excited to share with you the latest developments for Project Hope along with a recent study that provides new analysis on social return on investment results for CYACs in British Columbia.
Pilot programs
YRP/DASA referrals
This September we launched a pilot program focused on supporting referrals from YRP to DASA for sexual abuse cases. The purpose of this pilot is to look at all of our processes through a continuous improvement lens to ensure that we are minimizing opportunities where our processes may contribute to the
re-traumatization of the victim/family. Several initiatives were undertaken to support the launch of this pilot, including:
- the development of a logic model outlining resources, activities,
deliverables, outcomes and evaluation, - the development of data collection tools, and
- updates to the Procedures Manual and current Child Abuse Protocol.
We look forward to sharing progress on this pilot in future newsletters.
Child & Youth Advocate
A key element to a successful CYAC is the inclusion of a Child & Youth Advocate. The core functions of this role are to walk alongside the child and family throughout the process, orient the families to the CYAC and its process, and act as a bridge between families and MDTs. Earlier this year, it was agreed that York Region’s CYAC will follow the professional volunteer model, similar to the one used by the Luna Child & Youth Advocacy Centre in Calgary. Cedar Centre started to develop the Professional Volunteer Model earlier this fall.
Social ROI Report
Earlier this year, the British Columbia Network of Child & Youth Advocacy Centres initiated a study to measure the social and economic value of the work being done by CYACs in BC. The study includes data from eight operating CYACs in BC. The Social Return On Investment (SROI) analysis revealed a 1:5.54 ratio meaning that for every dollar invested in CYACs, approximately $5.54 in social and economic value is created.
The key areas where significant value is created include:
- increased efficiencies for BC’s systems including healthcare, education, justice,
child protection, and policing, - improved quality of work for CYAC management and staff, MDT members, and partner agencies, and
- wellbeing and quality of life changes for children and their families.
Learn more about this study and the results here.
For every dollar invested in CYACs, approximately $5.54 in social and economic value is created.