safe exit


Helping You Find Resources in Your Community

graphic of person using a magnifying glass to read a document

If you need immediate help or are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital’s emergency department.

No Tracking Tips

To prevent your computer from tracking your browsing history, open a new tab using the ‘new incognito window’ button.

Or, if you’d like to remove tracking for all your browser activity, turn on ‘do not track’.

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Click the Menu icon (3 dots) in the top right corner and select “Settings”


Select “Privacy and Security” in the left menu column


Select “Cookies and other site data”


Scroll down and enable “Send a Do Not Track request with your browsing traffic”

Informational Videos

Let’s talk about the barriers to reporting: Alison Peck, Executive Director, Cedar Centre

Let’s talk about the truths and myths about childhood sexual abuse: Brenton Diaz, Coordinator, Trauma Services, Newcomers Health and Wellbeing Program, Cedar Centre